I am now totally in love with Fiverr, possibly the best new site ever. On it, people sign up to buy and sell services for $5. The site gets $1, the sellers get $4. This is my favorite new site ever and ALL OTHER SITES CAN GO TO HELL (just kidding other sites, we're still totally BFFs.) I just put up three services I will perform for $5 each: Swede any 1 movie currently available on DVD; give running commentary to any 1 episode of Futurama; compose your very own personal anthem, using several key words of your choice. I know right? And that segues us into my Challenge of the Week: Head on over to http://www.fiverr.com/, sign up, and start selling something. Anything! You will be a better person for it. #ISwearTheyAreNotPayingMeToSayThis.
Also, P.S. I am just finishing my first benchmarks on the Acer 522, should have results up later. I would've had results up a lot sooner but benchmarking Angry Birds took many more hours (hours=days) than I'd anticipated. WINK. #WhyDidISayWinkThatMakesNoSense
EDIT: Someone pointed out to me that Fiverr is not new. It is, however, new to me, therefore I get to be excited anyways.
I totally agree with you, crashsuit, but its not that new. I've been using their services to get bank links to my websites for a long time